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Dishes of the day according to availability

Sandwiches . Mezzes . Pastries

You can phone on  09 50 14 43 78 at opening hours.
Preferably before the lunch service in order to facilitate the organization in the kitchen
The restaurant offers daily take away sales

Restaurant    Tea room   Fine Oriental Pastries   Artesanal ORGANIC Ice creams 

Created in April 2012 by Najwa KASSIR, L'ARBOUSIER welcomes you all along the day as well to drink one of our 45 teas and infusions and Special Lebanese coffe as to have a meal .

As we cook Lebanese traditional food and plates from all over the world, in free inspiration .

L'Arbousier is not only a restaurant , it is also a shop as you can buy DUNOON fine bone china teapots and mugs, oriental fine pastries,
turkish delights, tea and coffee, ice cream , artesanal lemonades, sirups, marshmallows, local biscuits ....
Come and visit us ..You are most welcome 

Ahlan wa Sahlan !!



We suggest plates and desserts for take away 



We welcome persons with reduced mobility

mobilite reduite arbousier